Raspberry Pi OpenVPN server

My motivation for writing this review is to demonstrate a method of securing access to IOT devices with minimum effort. Many IOT devices like security cameras have lackluster access controls and suffer from lack of software updates. Generally it’s bad practice to expose such insecure devices directly to the internet where they’re easy prey for botnets and miscreants. This guide will show you how to set up a bulletproof VPN server on a Raspberry Pi allowing you to securely access your home or business network.

Blocking direct IP access with Nginx

Reduce server load by dropping connections made by IP scanners.

Spicy Avocado Salsa

A creamy spicy salsa that’s great for dipping or topping tacos. Special thanks to Frank Navarro for teaching me how to make this delicious dip.

Green salsa ingredients

Building a CNC router from scratch

Router installed and wired

A pictographic account of my high school senior project

Chromebook Buying Guide 2016

Several people have asked my lately what Chromebook they should buy. Here are my top 3 picks, one in each screen size category. I don’t own any of these Chromebooks. This buying guide is based on a survey of Chromebook reviews sourced from Youtube and various tech publications.

Web Design Anti-pattern: Scrolltraps

Scrolltraps often take the form of interactive maps, but they also masquerade as embedded documents or code snippets. This mistake manifests itself most often on responsive websites waiting to ensnare fingers and cursors alike. Stated simply, scrolltraps occur any time a large scrolling element (which scrolls parallel to the page) is placed inside a webpage. Nested scrolling views are a bad design practice which lead to a crappy user experience.

Spicy Chipotle Black Bean Rice Bowl

A savory vegetarian dish full of bold flavors, fiber, and carbs: great if you’re trying to eat healthy and feel full. This quick and easy dish makes a perfect weeknight dinner.

Spicy bean and rice bowl topped with avocado, cilantro, and green onions.

Refresh Wallpaper App for Android

Refresh your phone’s wallpaper every time you turn the screen on. Browse through a huge gallery of beautiful photography and pick the ones you want to see. Refresh will show your favorite images as wallpapers on your home screen.

Download on Google Play

Das Keyboard Carrying Case

A hand made minimal bamboo carrying custom made for my Das keyboard

Brand New Blog

It’s been forever and a half since I’ve written anything substantial on coffeestrike.com. Building a personal website is a long overdue project, and I figured I might as well migrate my blog here as well.